Shin Splints
What are shin splints?
Runners often attend our clinic looking for a solution to shin pain. This pain can be caused by a number of factors but most commonly it is due to shin splints (often referred to as medial tibial stress syndrome). To help you decide if you have this condition and need to come in to see us for treatment and advice I have outlined some of the main points to consider:
What causes shin splints?
- You are more at risk of shin splints if you are new to running or have been running for less than 5 years.
- Running on hard surfaces and wearing worn-out, poorly fitting trainers are also thought to contribute to the problem.
- Weakness and tightness in the muscles around the ankle, excessive weight and rolling in (pronation) of the feet are also important risk factors.
- The pain is normally felt in both shins. It often occurs during or after activity and is located along the inside of your shin.
- It is also made worse by sports that involve a lot of stopping and starting.
How are they treated?
The strategies we use to treat this condition provide a permanent solution because they try to deal with the root cause of the problem. The tissues that cover the shin bone becomes inflamed when excessive rolling in of the foot (pronation) occurs this places abnormal forces upon the structures of the lower leg.
Our treatment regimen concentrates on reducing pronation and improving strength and flexibility thus preventing recurrence. This is done by providing increased support for the foot via improved footwear and/or orthotic therapy. The treatment generally involves a period of rest and physiotherapy.
By following our management plan closely you can get back to training as soon as possible. If you want to get back on track fast make an appointment with us at City Foot Health by calling on 02076283359